Monday, December 7, 2009

New Comment from "The Secret" of Management

I just finished an excellent book about servant leadership called "The Secret." It contained a statement that I really liked; "with every pair of hands you hire you get a free brain." Let's make sure we are not ignoring the power of all those brains we have working for us, at every level of the organization!

When I was at New Madrid last week a mechanic offered his thoughts on preventing a repeat equipment failure. This item had been reviewed by the OEM and recommendations had been made, but I think his suggestion was excellent, not just from a practical functionality standpoint but it was also very inexpensive, almost free!

Don't forget to ask the question - someone just might have a better idea.


  1. Our New Madrid collegue is a great example of a Theory Y employee.
    I'm betting that he works for a manager that allows his people the latitude to self develop. Think of the potential that can be gained from that type of atmosphere.

  2. The comment of "with every pair of hands you hire you get a free brain", wrong. Brains (inteligence,out of the box thinking)is not a free commodity any more, actually probably never was. There was always some driving force that created this process,wether it be time saving,survival,labor saving,or safety reasons.The payment may be the self satisfaction of the inovator only or the reasons mentioned.Inovation is not free,either thru monetary,or some other means,it will be paid, or the true inovators will simply quit inovating if not paid. Why do people think they are just entilted? Davinci,Newton,Tesla,(some ancient Roman name I can't spell)all recieved some thing.

    That is a problem with todays society many think they are just...Entitled (Entiltlement)

  3. Hi there,

    I love your icon - "cog head".

    Did you draw it??




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