It’s not every day you get to design an electric supply system from scratch. I am working with one of my colleagues from Nigeria to put together a model for development of the electric power supply system in his country. Despite sitting on large deposits of coal, oil, and gas, there is virtually no central station power in the country, and what little there is operates literally only 20% of the time, so it is almost worthless. The country is running on distributed generation (diesel gensets ) with costs so high that manufacturing is not cost effective, causing high imports and a lack of local jobs. This project will create jobs and electricity. (They are not worried about their carbon footprint just yet.) I am also suggesting a cooperative business model J (couldn’t resist).
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Power for Africa
Peter Chou, CEO of HTC
Monday, September 28, 2009
It IS Rocket Science...
Today we reviewed the NASA Challenger disaster and the organizational dynamics that allowed NASA staff to ignore an ambiguous but real threat to crew safety. We had the special privilege to discuss the case directly with NASA Chief Structural Engineer Rodney Rocha, who had been involved in the mission.
In Challenger, the shuttle managers ignored signs of an imminent threat, despite repeated warnings from engineering staff. Mr. Rocha share his personal sense of loss and failure, “Until this year, not a single day passed that I didn’t think about the accident. . . I regret not pushing harder, not breaking the door down to get an answer.”
In future classes we will discuss ways to insure that our culture and organizational structure counteracts the human tendency to normalize deviations and underestimate ambiguous threats.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Personal Case Study
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Today is Saturday, so what did we do?
We talked at some length about how to address poor employee performance and conduct coaching, with special emphasis on the situation of the employee that is a high performer but just doesn’t fit the corporate culture.
We also talked about the issues surrounding 360 degree performance feedback systems, and how best to utilize them. To this point, we will begin meeting with our individual performance coaches next week, and will each go over the 360 degree feedback that our peers provided before we left for this program.
On Monday we will review the organizational and leadership failures that contributed to the space shuttle Challenger disaster. Harvard has recruited one of the Challenger project managers from NASA to attend our class that day and answer questions. What a great opportunity for us to hear about the issues from someone who was there at the time.
Friday, September 25, 2009
New Poll
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Boston Perspective on Climate Change
Chick-fil-a Day
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
What do I miss?
I guess the answer is no, not too much.
This is a fantastic opportunity, and I am very fortunate to be able to attend this program. The professors are great, the students are great, and everything is very intellectually stimulating. I am getting exposure to many different points of view. The coffee is great and I don't even have to walk to Starbucks. The more I concentrate on my studies, the faster the time passes by. I now have only 40 days left. Only 40 days, imagine that!
What do I miss? I miss talking to Americans sometimes. My classmates tend to criticize Americans as greedy and wasteful, but I noticed that they don’t seem to mind living our lifestyle. I also notice that they all didn't decide to get their executive education in business management in Europe, or Asia, or Africa, or Australia, or South America.
I also miss talking to Midwesterners. Boston is great but it is not the heart of America.
I actually did "miss" attending the AECI board meeting. This was the first meeting I have missed in over 10 years, but I got over it pretty quick. I will only get one chance at being here and I am going to make the most of it.
I have explained what the abbreviation “MO” means about 130 times (it appears on my nametag). No, I don’t know how the post office came up with that one, but it does give me a chance to pull out my business card with the map on the back and explain just where in the U.S. is Missouri, and what we do, and why we do it. I have also enjoyed explaining the electric cooperative business model to my classmates. It is a real mind-bender for them to hear that we sell electricity at cost, and that we are regulated by our customers, not the government. This is foreign concept to most of them.
Tom, Scott, Brent, Steve, Barbara, thank you for covering for me. This is what I really miss . . . working with great people like you.
Global Economic Crisis Day!
I think that now even I could explain what happened; how financial firms turned sub-prime mortgages into mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and CDO-squared, and in doing so spun straw into gold, turning a heap of near-default mortages into something that could be resold as mostly AAA-rated securities. This was an amazing feat of financial engineering! Well, maybe not so amazing as it almost sent the entire planet into a depression.
We also spent more time talking macroeconomics including the U.S. current-account deficit. Here we are borrowing money from China to finance our current consumption, and our kids and grandkids will (probably) have to pay the debt back sometime (unless we get lucky). The situation was equated to Climate Change and our burning of carbon fuels in the U.S., and it was mentioned that our kids will have to pay for that too. We have a special day coming up dedicated to Climate Change and I can hardly wait. I am wondering if I will be able to change any minds on this subject.
So far I haven’t. I am here with a broad cross-section of nationalities that largely believe that the U.S. is taking unfair advantage of the planet and should pay. Their number one suggestion, which I have heard several times, is that the US should increase its fuel tax. This would have several benefits: reduced oil consumption, reduced carbon emissions, reduced trade imbalance, reduced current-account deficit, a balanced federal budget and greater fuel efficiency. I have tried to explain that I don’t believe Oklahoma and Missouri consumers are ready to give up their dooley-pickup trucks, and they just can’t seem to understand. I’ll keep working on this, though
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I had the opportuntity to select one from a number of individuals based on their resumes. The coach I have selected has experience in working in the energy business, including a recent coaching assignment with the CEO of a large electric utility system. I don't want to say the name, but can you imagine a large utility system in the east? Very large. One that burns 10x more coal than Associated. Their name starts with "A". Got it?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Here's an idea - peer coaching.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Remembering Doc Blackmore
Doc worked at one of our power plants. Many years ago he was seriously injured in a bicycling accident, and left paralyzed from the neck down. He could do literally nothing for himself. He even relied on a ventilator to breathe (although in the last year he was making progress on a new “pacer” that allowed him to breathe a bit on his own for very short periods of time).
You would think that Doc would have a poor outlook on life. That he would feel sorry for himself. That he might even blame God, or ask “why me”? He did not.
Doc made it his life’s mission to witness to others about the incredible love of God. Can you believe that? He had so little that most of us would think to be thankful for. But he had a voice, and he used it, in between the puffs of his ventilator, to witness to others. In his last years he introduced a number of people to the Lord, and inspired scores of others to redouble their efforts, quit whining, and make the best of the life they have been given.
Every time I met with Doc I came away so uplifted. Do you think spending time with a paraplegic would be depressing, or difficult? Quite the opposite – I felt as if I had been walking with a prince, a man who knew he had a most precious inheritance awaiting him. He was truly rich.
His wife Cindy was also an incredible blessing, not just to her husband, but to hundreds of others who followed her monthly email updates. Again, wouldn’t you expect someone to complain or feel sorry for herself? Not Cindy. She used this opportunity to share the love of God and the many many blessings that she and Doc shared. Their cup truly ran over. How many of us could consider a tragic accident to be a terrific blessing?
Now Doc has been given his reward. He no longer struggles to breathe. And he has a perfect body (ask me how I know – I have a secret to share on this).
I thank God that I had the chance to know Doc Blackmore.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday classes too...
Corporate Fiduciary responsibility - the bottom line - watch out, don't forget your responsibility is first to the corporation.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Reading List
A briefing paper on Capital Investment Project Valuation
General Mills company case (Growth Strategy)
The General Mills Annual Report
Crown Cork & Seal (a classic case study)
Cooper Industries (an Acquisition case)
Briefing paper on how to value a Business Acquisition
Oracle vs. Peoplesoft (dissecting a hostial takeover)
Singapore's growth strategy
International Monetary Principles
A Macroeconomics textbook (I almost have this one finished, its actually pretty fun reading. We meet the author for lunch next week.)
Analysis of Balance Of Payments accounts for selected countries
How Political Forces have shaped India's development
a Micro-Electronics firm in disarray (a study on corporate strategy and managerial focus)
China and its relationship with the World Trade Organization
China's growth strategy
Legal briefs on several cases involving Corporate Governance and Fiduciary Responsibilty
Psychology of Negotiation along with several negotiation simulations
Tea anyone?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Negotiations and Love Songs
I think some of our contractors have had the same training. :-)
Business Life Cycle (Where are you?)
The typical life cycle of a business:
Business is created.
Growth occurs through CREATIVITY.
A Crisis of Leadership occurs as the business grows and creativity is not longer enough, structure is needed.
Growth continues through DIRECTION. Often this involves adopting a Functional structure to the organization.
A Crisis of Autonomy occurs as the business is hindered from further growth by too much structure.
Growth continues through DELEGATION. Often this involves adoption a Decentralized structure in the organization.
A Crisis on Control occurs as the business is hindered from further growth due to a lack of coordination among the decentralized units.
Growth continues through COORDINATION. Often this involves a Segmentation or Matrix structure.
A Crisis of Red Tape occurs as the business is hindered from further growth due to an overwhelming burden of policies, procedures, and processes.
Growth continues through a return to BASICS and the process repeats all over again.
The question is, where is your organization on this continuum?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Back to School
We also spent some time on the current financial crisis, the subprime houseing market, and credit default swaps. This was a new learning area for me.
Today we started a fascination negotiation unit. We covered research on the psychology of how people approach negotiation. We learned how to analyze the proper time to tender an offer, how to handle another party's early offer, how to analyze their fall-back position. We will continue this unit for two more days, with lots of practice exercise (we practice role playing with each other). By the end we should all be master negotiators. Or at least pretty good. Or at least better than before we started.
I did well in the first exercise, achieving a sales price for my simulated firm that set the bar for our class. I sure hope I can keep this up because now I have a reputation to preserve.
Tomorrow our learning group (seven guys I live with) will be having lunch a professor that is a frequent Wall Street Journal contributor and author of a business strategy book. We have invited several of the professors to meet us this way during the program.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thought for the day
Imagine a person as a tree. Now imagine that a very successful person is a tree bearing much fruit. We know that when a tree is heavy with fruit, it bends down toward the ground. This is an illustration of that person's humility, in bowing low to the ground, and also of their generousity, since the tree heavy with fruit bends low, making it easier for people to pick the fruit and enjoy it.
To me this sounds like, "to those to whom much is given, much will be expected..." Luke 12:48
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What are we studying?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My Living Group
The CEO of an investment company in Pakistan,
the Managing Director of the largest bank in Brazil,
the Managing Director of the 2nd largest coffee company in the world (no, not Starbucks),
the Malaysian Undersecretary of Finance & Development (works for the government),
the Manager of Planning for the largest producer of plastic films used in flat-panel televisions, headquartered in (guess where) Japan,
the CEO of the largest computer-services data-storage company in Europe, headquartered in Sweden,
and the CEO of an Asian trading company specializing in growing vehicle and generation sales and services in recovering post-conflict eastern countries.
Monday, September 7, 2009
An international mix of participants
This is how they break down by numbers:
8 Aussies
5 from Brazil
1 Australia
1 Belgium
5 Canadians
3 Chileans
7 from China
2 Denmark
4 England
4 France
3 Germany
1 Hungary
7 India
4 Israel
10 from Japan
1 from Kenya
3 from South Korea
1 from Kuwait
4 from Malaysia
3 from Netherlands
2 Kiwi's from New Zealand
3 from Nigeria
1 from Norway
2 from Pakistan
1 from Peru
1 from Philippines
3 from Portugal
1 from Qatar
1 from Romania
1 from Russia
1 from Saudi Arabia
7 from Singapore
4 from South Africa
2 from Spain
1 from Sweden
5 from Switzerland
4 from Thailand
1 from Turkey
33 from the U.S.A.
1 from Ukraine
3 from United Arab Emirate
9 from the United Kingdom
1 from Venzuela
1 from Vietnam
Maybe I'll learn some new languages!
Arrival at Harvard Business School Gate
I now have a very nice secure parking spot in a high-security parking garage. It is so secure I can hardly get it. You have to keep your head down if you are on a motorcycle because the ceiling is so low.
A Japan participant said in our group said, "Wow, 1600 miles by motorcycle with your wife right behind you, that must be very romantic!" I said that it was.
Let's get started
So ends a 1600 motorcycle journey across America's heartland.
And so begins an eight-week educational sabbatical at the world's highest-rated business school.
So if this is a learning journey, what have I learned so far?
First, trust in God. He answered prayers for safe travels. He provided great weather for the trip. I should trust him more. Like the song, "let us ever trust in Jesus."
I saw a sign this afternoon near Harvard Square at the Lutheran Church – it said "God is in the midst of the City" – Psalm 46. God is indeed with us.
I am learning an ever-greater respect for my wonderful wife Lisa. She is a fantastic life partner and friend, one with whom I can share every fear and every dream, and on this trip she also proved that she can keep up with the best iron-butt riders around. You never heard a single complaint from her in over 1600 miles of riding. Not one complaint! She is incredible.
I learned how important the heartland is to America. America is not defined by her great cities, although they are impressive indeed. (Especially approaching them by motorbike). I believe that America is best defined by her land and her people; those that were up at the early hours, farming, delivering, and even feeding their chickens. We got to see this first-hand.
I learned I can ride 1600 miles without too much trouble. It was exhausting, yes. Would I do it again – YES! We saw it all, not from behind a car windshield, in a climate-controlled cube, but out in the open, where we could touch it at any moment.
We smelled it all - the musty swamps of Kentucky near the Mississippi River, the maturing corn fields in Indiana and Ohio, the faint smell of coal in Pennsylvania, the smell approaching rain in Indianapolis, the stench of the inner city, and the wonderful smell of evergreen trees in the Catskills.
We would have missed it all in a car.
And what will I learn in the weeks to come? We’ll have to see how that all develops.